
Full-time employees in professional, scientific and technical activities, by occupation. Monthly earnings and basic monthly salary. Average as of September. NOK and percentage change
Monthly earningsBasic monthly salary
201220132012 - 2013201220132012 - 2013
Professional, scientific and technical activities, total51 20053 5004.549 20051 0003.7
Senior officials and managers70 40073 1003.866 90069 0003.1
- Directors and chief executives (1210)87 20087 8000.782 20082 7000.6
Professionals55 80058 0003.953 60055 3003.2
Technicians and associate professionals48 30050 1003.746 50047 8002.8
Clerks35 60037 2004.535 10036 5004.0
Service workers and shop and market sales workers33 20034 8004.831 60033 2005.1
Craft and related trades workers37 90041 2008.736 60039 4007.7
Plant and machine operators and assemblers..47 500....41 200..
Elementary occupations..31 200....30 400..