
Final expenditure and gross domestic product. Constant 2005-prices. NOK million
1Gross domestic product is measured at market values, while value added by industry is measured at basic values
Final consumption expenditure of households and NPISHs1923 420940 182940 575975 8911 001 5801 031 280
Household final consumption expenditure887 033902 627901 211937 608961 644990 677
Goods465 018470 166468 519493 051501 176511 853
Services393 689401 520403 148410 287421 131434 162
Direct purchases abroad by resident househols53 11555 17652 32858 88964 45370 707
Direct purchases by non-residents-24 793-24 318-23 011-24 424-24 891-25 807
Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs136 46037 58939 21038 43440 00340 754
Final consumption expenditure of general governmen403 745414 533432 263437 804442 666450 593
Final consumption expenditure of central government210 954215 970225 878225 118225 364229 337
Final consumption expenditure of central government,civilian182 759187 478196 145195 115195 251199 064
Final consumption expenditure of central government,defence28 18728 48929 72930 00730 12130 261
Final consumption expenditure of local government192 786198 563206 389212 640217 218221 171
Gross fixed capital formation460 113460 910426 161391 949421 954456 810
Extractiom and transport via pipelines97 410102 497106 01895 948106 754122 317
Service activities incidential to extraction6 8748 0307 695971-5841 819
Ocean transport13 05811 81118 64615 13718 52521 237
Mainland Norway342 463338 171293 501280 159297 701311 003
Mainland Norway excluding general government277 479270 335220 784212 399228 392241 909
Industries185 264186 818143 680136 395139 536146 391
Manufacturing and mining27 48733 13021 41817 24818 83419 421
Production of other goods34 19536 90231 10332 13434 09635 848
Services123 608116 81591 22987 08286 60791 127
Welling service (households)92 42584 06477 18275 98488 20194 654
General government64 96467 87772 87567 88869 41069 156
Changes in stocks and statistical discrepancies57 53255 59712 50465 46963 79061 852
Gross capital formation516 913515 317427 705445 191470 804500 405
Final domestic use of goods and services1 844 3961 869 6991 794 4031 852 0251 909 0281 977 491
Final demand from Mainland Norway (excl. changes in stocks)1 669 9101 692 7701 664 9581 690 7191 738 4811 788 933
Final demand from general government468 703482 406505 111505 876512 223519 989
Total exports868 401869 550832 663836 161830 475839 247
Traditional goods263 926273 268251 499259 930259 689264 147
Crude oil and natural gas390 541385 652377 877351 663332 118334 419
Ships, oil platforms and aircrafts10 71410 9888 2357 00110 8236 966
Services204 820201 553193 686217 096229 858236 763
Total use of goods and services2 709 9442 735 7602 623 4632 684 7532 735 6142 811 097
Total imports654 602679 862595 048648 834673 699689 027
Traditional goods409 844414 683361 305394 118410 144420 089
Crude oil and natural gas12 4937 36411 0828 5077 8548 211
Ships, oil platforms and aircrafts19 76932 08624 63724 27825 74021 144
Services211 884225 230196 480221 096229 298239 277
Gross domestic product, market values12 057 1032 058 4932 024 8392 034 5202 061 8072 121 523
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway, market values11 617 0101 641 9511 615 1631 642 5031 684 4511 742 041
Petroleum activities and ocean transport446 373425 612418 615401 784389 785394 817
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway, basic values1 372 9861 400 9651 378 2001 398 6421 432 6081 483 102
Mainland Norway excluding general government1 078 5601 099 4551 072 1181 089 6241 117 9851 162 247
Manufacturing and mining170 362175 354162 373166 279168 740173 350
Production of other goods168 547169 889159 675157 454161 807174 997
Production of other goods739 758754 280750 918767 305788 730813 927
General government294 462301 526305 740308 789314 535321 331
Taxes and subsidies products244 004240 955236 927244 005252 076259 085