
Household final consumption expenditure by function. Current prices. NOK million
1Consumption of goods and services include direct purchases in Norway by non-resident households, but not direct purchases abroad by resident households
Total911 319958 086979 2351 040 6271 076 9201 120 327
Food and non-alcoholic beverages113 819121 814128 752132 504137 978143 592
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco etc.37 56840 69542 39443 13244 06644 726
Clothing and footwear50 10650 92152 91254 85454 97556 873
Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels177 747192 313201 155222 434223 458226 330
Furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance53 63655 46855 37458 06160 05161 684
Health24 56526 25826 92927 92529 72030 986
Transport137 322137 513132 854147 167157 555162 357
Communication25 84326 37326 80127 40227 36427 218
Recreation and culture114 519117 551119 178124 469128 344133 398
Education3 6513 6574 0704 4494 9425 293
Restaurants and hotels52 37857 01556 83458 73162 15865 664
Miscellaneous goods and services92 35897 293100 778105 303106 534118 137
Direct purchases abroad by resident households54 05958 12357 32862 64569 52275 729
Direct purchases in Norway by non-res. households-26 252-26 908-26 124-28 449-29 747-31 659
Goods1470 993490 451495 674532 385542 760551 285
Services1412 519436 420452 357474 046494 385524 971
Dwelling services146 051155 295164 727173 537180 648188 335
Other services266 468281 125287 630300 509313 737336 636