
Accounting figures for non-financial foundations. NOK million
Figures for 2012 are revised. Updated figures can be found in the StatBank source table.
Income statement35 84636 17935 885
Operating income32 51334 73433 122
Operating expences13 17514 13114 856
Operating profit3 3331 4432 758
Financial items, net-27-1 0211 789
Operating profit before tax3 3044214 594
Net profit3 4582954 465
Balance sheet
Fixed assets44 72150 54258 454
Intangible fixed assets493548636
Tangible fixed assets31 65431 45432 336
Financial fixed assets12 57518 54125 476
Current assets39 21245 72847 359
Debts3 8593 8403 733
Securities and other financial current assets18 74623 65524 314
Cash and bank deposits16 12217 85218 884
Total assets83 92396 274105 816
Equity55 79366 71574 984
Liabilities28 14029 55830 339
Provisions1 7442 1642 229
Long-term liabilities17 79618 27418 750
Short-term liabilities8 6019 0699 359
Equities and liabilities83 92496 274105 816
Key figures
Equity ratio66.569.370.9
Current ratio4.565.045.06
Number of enterprises7 5797 7737 505