
Life insurance companies. Total utilized loans by borrower sector. NOK Million
Total46 69269 18152 99449 04251 537
General government11 49517 18617 95113 89915 657
Central government..........
County municipalities11 49517 18617 95113 89915 657
Municipalities10 33614 81917 26700
Financial enterprises1 71018 6952 3012 9401 135
State lending institutions..........
Mortgage companies12........
Finance companies0........
Unit trust(UK)/ Mutual funds(US)..........
Other financial enterprises1 30918 6582 2542 8621 104
Life insurance companies etc...1......
Non-life insurance companies..........
Financial auxiliaries14293869-240
Non-financial enterprises10 73711 74913 11113 33314 404
Central government enterprises..........
Other state enterprises..236....
Municipal enterprises134178507532469
Private incorporated companies9 51010 3039 5539 3509 511
Private non-profit institutions....01022
Household etc.11 43312 25311 27710 24613 331
Quasi-corporated private enterprises (i.e. partnership companies, joint ownership etc.)61233528900
Private non-profit institutions serving households12416714200
Unincorporated private enterprises..........
Households of employees11 43312 25311 27710 24613 162
Unspecified sector........-1
Rest of the world11 1939 1298 2128 3836 789