
Enterprises, by the employees' level of education, as well as the industrial activity, size groups and legal form of the enterprises
0 per cent secondary/100 per cent tertiary1-49 per cent secondary/51-99 per cent tertiary50 per cent secondary/50 per cent tertiary51-99 per cent secondary/1-49 per cent tertiary100 per cent secondary/0 per cent tertiary
Industrial activity
Total126 46512.37.05.826.748.2
Mining and quarrying5269.315.23.232.339.9
Manufacturing8 7284.
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply45816.
Water supply, sewerage, waste4883.52.33.938.352.0
Construction18 4313.
Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles30 1085.23.44.734.752.1
Transportation and storage9 6105.
Accommodation and food service activities6 4203.
Information and communication5 37729.824.28.617.619.7
Financial and insurance activities1 29025.924.95.523.420.3
Real estate activities7 55921.26.28.310.354.0
Professional, scientific and technical activities14 99736.
Administrative and support service activities5 85011.97.76.330.343.8
Education1 74521.021.28.321.328.3
Human health and social work activities8 31715.711.49.635.727.5
Arts, entertainment and recreation2 16116.09.06.630.238.2
Other service activities3 9906.44.33.413.572.3
Activities of household as employers425.
Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies0.....
Size groups
Total126 46512.37.05.826.748.2
1-4 employees75 73819.
5-9 employees24 1932.211.52.842.341.2
10-19 employees14 3920.712.12.060.724.5
20-49 employees8 2220.
50-99 employees2 0930.019.70.478.41.5
100 - 249 employees1 2060.
250 employees and more6210.
Legal form
Total126 46512.37.05.826.748.2
Private limited company (AS)96 85613.07.75.930.443.0
General partnership (ANS)1 0047.03.84.817.866.6
Sole proprietorship (ENK)18 8797.31.24.810.276.5
Association/club/organisation (FLI)38412.
Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise (NUF)3 58324.54.56.610.354.0
General partnership with shared liability (DA)1 3878.86.95.717.760.9
Other organisational structures4 37211.218.55.833.630.9