
Full-time employees in sale and management of real estate, by occupation. Monthly earnings and basic monthly salary. Average as of September. NOK and percentage change
Monthly earningsBasic monthly salary
201220132012 - 2013201220132012 - 2013
Sale and management of real estate, total48 10050 5005.043 90046 0004.8
Of which
Senior officials and managers70 50073 0003.564 30065 5001.9
Professionals57 70060 6005.055 00056 8003.3
Technicians and associate professionals49 90051 9004.041 80044 8007.2
- estate agents54 10054 5000.742 50045 1006.1
Clerks35 30036 7004.034 60035 9003.8
Service workers and shop and market sales workers33 60034 6003.032 90033 8002.7