
Employees in sale and management of real estate. Average monthly earnings per full-time eqvivalent, by sex and working hours per 1 September. NOK and percentage change
Monthly earningsBasic monthly salary
20132012 - 201320132012 - 2013
Sale and management of real estate, total49 7005.345 4005.1
Males52 2004.247 6004.2
Females45 0007.741 4006.7
Full-time employees, total50 5005.046 0004.8
Males52 6003.547 9003.9
Females46 2007.742 1006.3
Part-time employees, total39 0007.437 6006.2
Males41 8009.739 9006.7
Females37 6006.836 5007.0