
Establishments by size and economic activity
Total number of establishmentsNo employees1-4 employees5-9 employees10-19 employees20-49 employees50-99 employees100 - 249 employees250 employees and more
All industries526 703322 784110 72539 74427 19517 9615 2502 378666
Agriculture, forestry and fishing66 59958 5616 9576722871061240
Mining and quarrying1 37168326911710373433944
Manufacture19 9179 4804 6261 9481 6241 288514329108
Electricity, gas and steam1 57081526213614913650184
Water supply, sewerage, waste1 9438633852472471514271
Construction61 80637 58514 3624 5573 0391 67741614030
Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles69 98025 96420 78312 9027 1262 64939513922
Transportation and storage24 57813 3187 3631 73698569227415060
Accomommodation and food service activities14 0405 0824 2142 1451 520854174465
Information and communication19 50712 7234 3029696955121789236
Financial and insurance activities4 2111 8101 091548347250816222
Real estate activities52 22043 7947 212808291951910
Professional, scientific and technical activities51 93833 14113 8222 4611 4487232109934
Administrative and support service activities23 44114 5764 8301 4211 05790036822663
Public administration and defence: compulsory social security5 3983381 5711 13494083230919678
Education15 8399 1111 8488591 0421 86286620744
Human health and social work activities49 60324 1489 0284 6855 2114 6611 189570111
Arts, entertainment and recreation22 51518 6612 29571746628555333
Personal service activities19 13311 1915 3761 66061521555201
Households as employers activities36278100000
Extraterritorial organisations and bodies1115410000
Unspecified1 0479121161720000