
Base money (M0)
Base money (M0), actual stock figures (NOK mill)Transactions, 12-month growth (per cent)
M0Notes and coin in circulationBanks' current account with Norges BankBanks' F-deposits with Norges BankMoney holding sectors depostis with Norges BankM0Notes and coin in circulation
November 201286 95251 01835 868066-26.70.0
December 201289 04853 75535 219074-39.4-1.8
January 201380 19249 18830 934070-40.5-3.6
February 201380 99648 41932 506071-3.0-3.7
March 201390 23949 48034 6866 00073-2.5-2.5
April 201377 34548 69328 578074-9.8-2.5
May 201383 08749 10633 8980838.0-5.4
June 201386 39349 71836 590085-10.8-3.8
July 2013104 64949 84934 71420 0008612.4-3.3
August 2013121 99649 79730 10942 0009051.3-2.8
September 201391 92149 48834 3388 00095-6.8-2.6
October 2013111 89649 55237 24925 000959.7-1.5
November 201393 27449 88735 2908 000977.3-2.2