
Full-time employees in information and communication, by division. Monthly earnings and basic monthly salary. Average as of October. NOK and percentage change
Monthly earningsBasic monthly salary
201220132012 - 2013201220132012 - 2013
Information and communication, total50 70052 9004.347 40049 5004.4
Publishing activities47 30051 0007.844 40048 0008.1
Motion picture, TV, music prod.41 90043 0002.641 10042 4003.2
Programming, broadcasting activities43 90045 3003.241 90043 4003.6
Telecommunications53 40055 0003.050 20051 6002.8
Computer programming, consultancy54 20055 6002.650 30051 7002.8
Information service activities48 30050 2003.944 50046 2003.8