
Percentage share of total estimated net worth, average and percentile cut-offs for households, by deciles1
Share of total net wealth (per cent)Average estimated net wealth (NOK)Percentile cut-offs (NOK)
1Students not included
Total100.01 977 700..
Decil 1-4.5-888 500-187 900
Decil 2-0.3-60 2002 400
Decil 30.358 500170 600
Decil 41.9385 500620 600
Decil 54.4867 6001 119 200
Decil 67.01 383 8001 657 400
Decil 79.91 958 6002 278 100
Decil 813.52 663 6003 103 200
Decil 919.03 749 3004 597 300
Decil 1048.89 658 700..
Top 5 per cent35.313 962 2006 376 000
Top 1 per cent18.135 820 90013 256 500
Top 0,1 per cent8.4165 961 50052 479 100