
Number of passengers and vehicles in ferry transport
3rd quarter 2013
PassengerRoad goods vehicles and accompanying trailersPassenger cars and accompanying trailers/caravansPassenger busesImport/Export motor vehiclesOther mobile self-propelled unitsUnaccompanied road goods trailers semitrailersUnaccompanied caravans and other road agricultural and industrial trailersRail wagons, shipborne port-to-port trailers and barges engaged in goods transportOther mobile non-self-propelled units
Total2 093 95742 617478 2013 3693 65809 84355106
Borg Port Authority10 355000000000
Oslo Port Authority752 6126 35777 8791 9032 97907 59545600
Sandefjord Port Authority374 4313 393108 748407000000
Larvik Port Authority292 32421 91393 315189000000
Kristiansand Port Authority565 5807 645167 779748001 245000
Eigersund Port Authority0000000000
Stavanger Inter-Municipal Port Authority39 4821 58611 5954747709858700
Karmsund Inter Municipal Port Authority0000000000
Bergen and Omland Port Authority39 0371 1139 4446418700000