
Full-time employees in central government, by division. Monthly earnings and basic monthly salary. Average as of October. NOK and percentage change123
Monthly earningsBasic monthly salary
201220132012 - 2013201220132012 - 2013
2Central government employees who are reported to the State Central Register of Government Employees
3.Rounded to closest NOK 100.
Central government, total42 00043 5003.640 90042 1002.9
Of which
Construction41 00042 6003.938 40039 8003.6
Transportation and storage46 10048 1004.340 20041 5003.2
Financial services44 70045 4001.644 60045 3001.6
Professional, scientific and technical activities41 50043 0003.640 70042 2003.7
Administrative and support service activities43 80045 1003.043 50044 8003.0
Public adm., defence, soc. security41 80043 5004.140 70041 8002.7
Education42 70043 9002.842 40043 6002.8
Human health and social work activities38 60039 9003.436 30037 4003.0
Arts, entertainment and recreation39 20040 3002.838 70039 8002.8
Personal service activities43 50044 4002.141 40042 4002.4