
Yield of potatoes and forage plants
Yield, tonnesKilos per decare
Potato333 200295 500304 700320 3002 5172 2912 4052 541
Crops for green fodder and silage198 700151 400170 800183 1001 6661 4831 6241 509
Annual rye-grass119 50095 800101 400108 2002 1951 8521 9591 827
Green forage mixtures/grain crops70 20050 80062 90068 2001 2851 2011 3771 253
Forage rape, marrow-stem kal etc2 7002 8003 9004 1001 0971 4141 6881 715
Hay2 392 7002 523 4002 712 8002 409 500558587635558