
Net purchases of securities registered with the VPS, by purchasing sector and type of security. Latest quarter. Market value. NOK million
4th quarter 2013
Shares (listed)Shares (unlisted)Equity certificatesBondsShort-term securities
Total8 11613 0931 25620 516-21 250
Non-financial corporations1 0152 930-147-4896 860
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government00000
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government234240346 871
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government....020
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government-16448-7-2 345186
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises9152 462-1401 784-216
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises-1-3-16..
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises-118023020
Financial corporations-182 1906709 448-25 082
Norges Bank0..000
Banks887661-13-6 497-12 799
Mortgage companies00..5 946-5 464
Finance companies-1..0-20
State lending institutions etc...5902-1
Financial holding companies-716..591107
Mutual funds282111536-9 295-2 097
Investment trusts and private equity funds-5477818750
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds74756186135227
Life insurance companies and pension funds-857114417 239-4 443
Non-life insurance companies-9514-11 255-597
General government1 442-2388-11 089-2 902
Central government1 533..0-11 441-2 863
Local government-90-2388352-39
Non-profit institutions serving households-300-727226-178-22
Households-1 044-655134-5-59
Unincorporated enterprises within households-10000
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusice housing cooperatives etc.......00
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc.-1 042-655134-5-59
Rest of the world6 8909 60935822 832-46
Unspecified sector130-16700