
Government Pension Fund Norway. Balance sheet
2nd half year 20132nd half year 2003
Million kronerPercentage of total assetsMillion kronerPercentage of total assets
1The Government Pension Fund - Norway's mandatory deposits with the Treasury was discontinued on 29 December 2006. The implication of this is a reduction in loans of NOK 101,8 billion and a convertion of loans of NOK 10 billion to bonds.
Deposits in total4 5312.69220.6
Commercial papers00.01 3600.9
Bonds163 98636.526 06816.5
Shares and other equity104 77959.724 29115.3
Loans100.086 75654.8
Other financial assets2 1871.218 93812.0
Non-financial assets00.000.0
Total assets175 483100.0158 335100.0