
Tax return account for companies, by sector. NOK million.
Sum all sectorsNon-financial corporationsFinancial corporationsUnspecified sector/others
Assessable incomes (NOK millioin)614 270505 781103 0265 463
Entrepreneurial income (NOK million)454 541368 14181 8514 549
Received intra-group contribution (NOK million)154 243132 91221 035296
Deductions in income (NOK million)372 680323 71344 8884 079
Entrepreneurial deficit and real estate deficit (NOK million)160 022141 50517 781736
Deduction for previous years deficit (NOK million)52 96140 7249 0343 203
Paid intra-group contribution (NOK million)156 357138 34617 877134
Ordinary income (NOK million)241 590182 06858 1391 384
Positive (taxable) income (NOK million)339 142267 71069 3562 076
Negative income (NOK million)97 55285 64211 217692
Number of enterprises233 916216 42216 3221 172