
Acquisition and sale of fixed assets, by type of capital. NOK million1
1Gross fixed capital formation = acquisition - sale of fixed assets.
Fixed assets, total17 711993
Water power plants6346
Waterfall rights830
Waterway regulations5516
Hydro-electric power stations4 850426
Building construction, hydro-electric power stations2 44724
Permanent mechanical and electrical equipment, hydro-electric power stations2 403403
Thermal power plants4381
Building construction, thermal power plants1741
Permanent mechanical and electrical equipment, thermal power plants2640
Windpower plants1 49340
Building construction, windpower plants740
Permanent mechanical and electrical equipment, windpower plants1 4860
Transmission systems7 813136
Central grid systems2 47586
Regional grid systems1 50914
Local grid systems3 82836
District heating651
Production plants400
Distribution systems250
Other, district heating01
Other fixed assets, total2 420383
Control centers285
Street and road lighting43
Motor vehicles and other transport equipment24753
Construction machinery16142
Office equipment26815
Offices and premises38314
Dwellings for employees60
Other property3735
Construction roads177
Fixed assets, other400100