
Hunters by age and sex1
Paid hunting taxPassed hunting test
TotalMalesFemalesMale hunters as per cent of male population over 16 yearsTotalOf these buying hunting licence fee
1Excluding persons living in Norway
Total193 965179 74714 218912 5075 795
-20 years8 1867 27091654 5851 296
20-29 years26 44523 4193 02674 3512 259
30-39 years34 85631 6973 15991 8881 179
40-49 years45 89241 9373 955111 131728
50-59 years38 79336 4442 34911432256
60-69 years28 32027 6147061011068
70 years or older11 47311 3661075109