
Persons employed in kindergartens, by position and qualifications
Total number of persons employed93 57391 23988 82387 40184 884
Directors6 7606 7126 6796 8116 974
with approved pre-school teacher education6 1326 0876 0226 1236 126
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children434425408417440
with dispensations from the educational requirement141164190218252
with vocational training1616242237
Educational leaders26 09325 48624 34323 10421 951
with approved pre-school teacher education22 53921 52420 35219 17518 013
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children1 3491 4561 4211 435946
with dispensations from the educational requirement3 4483 8693 8783 6203 488
with vocational training712757730632466
Assistents43 67643 79243 73243 52342 652
with approved pre-school teacher education681664513686907
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children881835786779726
with vocational training10 86710 2479 6599 0498 432
Bilingual assistants1 1481 0771 0131 0401 041
with approved pre-school teacher education12451242540
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children8270606855
with vocational training7150503533
Other educational personnel6 3676 4135 9765 9126 187
with approved pre-school teacher education2 0652 0621 8501 9982 043
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children944909775698715
with vocational training613627471426395
Office staff1 4951 5841 3741 1840
Other paid help8 0346 1755 7065 8276 079