
Port calls by register and maritime coastal area, vessels registered in NIS and NOR1
Norwegian registersNorwegian International Ship Register (NIS)The Norwegian Ship Register (NOR)
Port callsArrived gross tonnagePort callsArrived gross tonnagePort callsArrived gross tonnage
1Source Lloyd's. Only ships 1 000 gross tonnes and above. No fishing vessels.
All maritime coastal areas51 537752 729 41022 472535 843 29429 065216 886 116
Norway, Svalbard and Jan Mayen25 764173 634 0001 20410 766 52324 560162 867 477
Scandinavia/Baltic excluding Norway, Svalbard and Jan Mayen4 55166 343 3923 15224 163 9081 39942 179 484
N Cont Europe3 20148 171 6452 61346 404 3585881 767 287
UK/Eire4 43330 391 4372 34722 209 6032 0868 181 834
Iberian Atlantic46513 350 50143813 192 49627158 005
S Europe69326 544 42767526 410 73818133 689
Black Sea1836 855 1551836 855 15500
E Mediterranean1445 244 7381215 151 1052393 633
N Africa66411 013 06245710 161 549207851 513
W Africa42910 162 26040210 059 42527102 835
S & E Africa42114 764 39841314 747 782816 616
Red Sea1537 223 7711527 220 63913 132
Persian Gulf44517 560 71344417 557 58113 132
Indian Sub Continent32611 466 14932311 462 13834 011
Far East - Asean1 23332 621 0191 22032 563 1251357 894
Far East - China Sea1 72565 197 0961 71665 159 012938 084
Japan53426 312 79253426 312 79200
Australasia94024 899 31992324 796 39217102 927
N America - Pacific52918 325 17652918 325 17600
S America - Pacific1827 407 9111827 407 91100
S America - Atlantic1 91540 566 8091 86040 354 57655212 233
Caribbean29313 663 37329113 657 16926 204
Central America34714 935 52134314 904 131431 390
US Gulf1 23433 036 3131 23433 036 31300
US Atlantic66431 257 40666231 254 37423 032
Great Lakes - Canada691 781 027541 709 3231571 704