
Other services activities. Principal figures, by number of persons employed. Enterprises1
Number of employed2012
1VAT is not included.
2Factor costs.
3Fitness facilities are not included.
Enterprises10 93921858224
Employees16 2922 8021 6341 9192 170
Compensation of employees (mill. NOK)2 986.3856.5552.3680.3967.7
Turnover (mill. NOK)9 626.41 724.71 089.81 396.82 155.0
Production value (mill. NOK)8 717.41 553.51 006.91 273.02 073.1
Value added (mill. NOK)25 308.51 006.8629.7794.91 347.9
Gross Investment (mill. NOK)149.89.419.153.4212.4
95 Repair, personal, household goods
Enterprises1 23915531
Employees1 273194149217635
Compensation of employees (mill. NOK)239.368.2..97.9..
Turnover (mill. NOK)1 017.5162.8..206.6..
Production value (mill. NOK)870.4138.4..196.2..
Value added (mill. NOK)2452.075.5..113.2..
Gross Investment (mill. NOK)14.00.3..2.4..
96 Other personal service activities3
Enterprises9 70020353193
Employees15 0192 6081 4851 7021 535
Compensation of employees (mill. NOK)2 747.0788.3..582.4..
Turnover (mill. NOK)8 608.91 561.9..1 190.2..
Production value (mill. NOK)7 846.91 415.1..1 076.8..
Value added (mill. NOK)24 856.5931.4..681.7..
Gross Investment (mill. NOK)135.79.1..51.0..