
Banks. Balance sheet. NOK million
March 2014February 2014January 2014December 2013November 2013October 2013September 2013August 2013July 2013June 2013May 2013April 2013March 2013
Notes and divisionary coin52 58371 43389 695154 23665 89768 09549 450126 45593 12389 94672 41399 034130 123
Loans to and claims on financial institutions770 997814 984801 722716 407736 238736 748697 371697 150700 229672 259721 265707 409555 607
Loans to and claims on customers2 294 2902 279 8372 285 7532 271 9002 265 5242 243 8242 236 5182 232 9162 221 2982 218 0782 198 0522 185 8682 178 580
Certificates and bonds596 618651 946647 731635 215671 405664 918659 933648 631634 369637 937640 843655 004650 624
Shares, equity capital certificate e.g.150 111148 289146 873142 756140 093136 920136 293137 355118 442118 337118 192117 094116 487
Financial derivatives233 012242 661254 469233 775201 874183 088175 370177 978177 111185 359188 230197 626195 589
Intangible assets10 5806 9727 02510 6946 9276 9716 9596 9636 8416 8137 4077 3927 428
Durable operating equipment10 71310 50110 53510 48910 16710 01610 0359 9069 9759 9229 9699 9759 935
Other assets95 583103 530103 93395 49586 71580 24785 94578 93877 51281 17091 16496 90380 352
Total assets4 214 4884 330 1544 347 7354 270 9684 184 8404 130 8284 057 8734 116 2914 038 9004 019 8204 047 5344 076 3053 924 724
Deposits from financial institutions843 525893 993915 614915 511853 730858 944843 466883 318846 863828 398836 294844 321797 030
Deposits from customers1 988 7402 011 6702 001 5381 963 2201 949 3851 927 5911 888 9551 935 6721 912 2081 920 6341 869 6571 862 4511 820 296
Certificate and bond debt583 681576 722568 348575 277592 963583 859570 076565 961565 297557 263573 657576 402563 728
Other loans80 682121 647125 780116 275117 073122 038122 841127 753126 418126 953179 940188 498160 830
Financial derivatives213 393220 717232 314216 317169 545153 286148 107149 746142 573149 773148 103152 627151 724
Other liabilities149 033154 570153 683130 716154 117142 109148 034125 242119 042114 682122 929138 333120 512
Subordinated loan capital64 79364 58465 70264 44864 20862 26859 12352 86853 30052 94350 54250 78450 330
Total liabilities3 923 8474 043 9024 062 9793 981 7633 901 0213 850 0943 780 6023 840 5593 765 7013 750 6453 781 1233 813 4153 664 451
Share and owner share capital56 88456 66756 66956 73155 63055 59255 24455 33755 34053 95153 90953 76053 552
Other paid in equity (share premium account etc.)36 59136 03036 02035 75435 31635 25034 62034 56334 56135 06434 46334 13434 331
Earned equity capital187 261188 195189 191166 310164 858164 646164 756164 877164 874165 417165 176165 753166 039
Undistributed profit9 9055 3592 87630 41128 01625 24522 65220 95418 42514 74112 8649 2436 352
Total equity290 641286 251284 756289 205283 819280 733277 272275 732273 200269 174266 411262 890260 273
Total liabilities and equity4 214 4884 330 1534 347 7354 270 9684 184 8404 130 8284 057 8734 116 2914 038 9004 019 8204 047 5334 076 3053 924 724