
Academic and special libraries. Books, periodicals, issues, loans, persons employed and man-years
Books and publication series, number of volumes, totalGross increase of books and publication seriesCurrent title seriesLoansTotal lending, physical unitsEmployed, totalMan-years worked, total
Executed issues, totalLocal loans issued, renewals excludedNon-local loans issued
Total18 063 576322 597691 3602 221 0091 880 404340 605193 3142 0841 646
National libraries3 404 101105 88310 734193 97982 893111 0861 665459373
Universities with faculty and departemental library8 601 84794 237174 949783 663662 294121 36976 391748570
Libraries at scientific colleges716 03112 17451 650151 489140 15711 33212 75912787
Libraries at state colleges1 785 48155 271235 969862 403786 63775 76655 419350270
Libraries at other colleges233 5536 89327 54668 95064 1684 7825 1253325
Special libraries, public2 563 63936 582129 291117 057107 7509 30722 040255229
Special libraries, private547 2555 6343 90215 97513 2972 6782 3293933
Libraries at health institutions211 6695 92357 31927 49323 2084 28517 5867359