
Number of passengers and vehicles in ferry transport
1st quarter 2014
PassengerRoad goods vehicles and accompanying trailersPassenger cars and accompanying trailers/caravansPassenger busesImport/Export motor vehiclesOther mobile self-propelled unitsUnaccompanied road goods trailers semitrailersUnaccompanied caravans and other road agricultural and industrial trailersRail wagons, shipborne port-to-port trailers and barges engaged in goods transportOther mobile non-self-propelled units
Total985 45038 300178 7091 0593 066210 042415810
Borg Port Authority0000000000
Oslo Port Authority487 3246 74832 4893582 47307 548322810
Sandefjord Port Authority156 2822 52347 118203000000
Larvik Port Authority161 24418 09546 345241000000
Kristiansand Port Authority145 5567 59644 980235001 388000
Eigersund Port Authority0000000000
Stavanger Inter-Municipal Port Authority10 0151 1072 839045309886500
Karmsund Inter Municipal Port Authority0000000000
Bergen and Omland Port Authority19 5141 2902 8191213400000