
Producer price index. Domestic and export market, total. By division. 2000=100
June 2014Change in per cent
May 2014 / April 2014June 2014 / May 2014May 2014 / May 2013June 2014 / June 2013
1Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007).
Industrial Classification1
Extraction, mining, manuf. and elec244.9-
Extraction and related services372.8-
Extraction of oil and natural gas369.1-2.10.9-1.3-0.8
Extraction and related services208.7-0.3-
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying162.
Mining and quarrying171.20.11.1-1.91.1
Food, beverages and tobacco155.00.6-
Food products155.50.6-
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather118.
Textiles and wearing apparel119.
Wood and wood products135.
Paper and paper products118.00.8-
Refined petroleum, chemicals, pharmaceuticals221.2-
Refined petroleum products242.7-
Chemical and pharmaceutical prod.152.3-1.50.4-0.73.0
Basic chemicals190.3-2.10.6-1.14.5
Rubber, plastic, mineral prod.140.00.3-
Rubber and plastic products132.40.0-2.92.8-0.2
Non-metallic mineral products143.
Basic metals170.
Non-ferrous metals145.
Fabricated metal products139.9-0.30.1-2.2-2.1
Computer and electrical equipment97.60.2-0.7-2.2-2.8
Machinery and equipment153.0-
Transport equipment n.e.c120.4-
Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c.124.8-0.7-
Repair, installation of machinery178.50.2-
Electricity, gas and steam197.2-2.0-2.6-20.6-18.8
Main industrial groupings:
Intermediate goods146.3-
Investment goods133.7-0.1-
Consumer goods142.80.6-
Durable consumer goods122.4-
Non-durable consumer goods145.50.8-
Energy goods344.2-1.80.8-1.8-1.0