
Number of enterprises where shareholder has a role, type of role and number of shareholders in enterprise
Number of enterprisesNumber of enterprises where shareholder has a positionEnterprises where shareholder has a role as general managerEnterprises where shareholder has a role as chairman of the boardEnterprises where shareholder has a role as board memberEnterprises where shareholder has a role as deputy chairman
All shareholders227 866148 05865.0110 501129 22948 1134 430
1 shareholder132 66774 96856.556 75771 2912 589179
2 shareholders47 54536 11476.028 55130 99917 4561 665
3-4 shareholders31 52424 98679.317 79919 31618 2381 540
5-9 shareholders10 7218 34677.85 5095 7006 710651
10-19 shareholders2 5631 71967.19459181 477133
20-49 shareholders1 46592763.344947479287
50-99 shareholders63344169.719222738660
100 or more shareholders74855774.5299304465115