
Finance companies. Loan by sector. NOK million
July 2014June 2014May 2014April 2014March 2014February 2014January 2014December 2013November 2013October 2013September 2013August 2013July 2013
Total loans132 557132 061130 696128 220127 578125 898125 466124 251124 266122 799121 625120 654119 343
Non-financial corporations63 04363 15661 50460 03860 00359 04058 24058 94959 48859 28758 90158 21857 465
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government223132222111111
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government691628616611594619640633681668682684701
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government111109109101109106107109100104107109110
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government878881885885840844833842780779792803781
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises60 34060 50158 87157 40857 39856 41055 65456 30356 96156 75356 31755 61254 843
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises9759889469551 0121 0119561 014916933953962982
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises46474645494949474949504747
Financial corporations215222218226226242235239216219226210212
Norges Bank22222220..........
Mortgage companies0000000121111111111
Finance companies23262228172522373333453030
State lending institutions etc.1111111111111
Financial holding companies3333333100000
Mutual funds..........................
Investment trusts and private equity funds1111122544444
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds68727074808785786969696767
Life insurance companies and pension funds7777776622211
Non-life insurance companies22222223222322131112121111
General government2 3572 4172 4142 3982 4882 4862 4692 4102 4002 3912 3872 3712 370
Central government606632640623659656645583592598599585575
Local government1 7511 7851 7741 7751 8301 8291 8241 8271 8071 7931 7891 7851 795
Non-profit institutions serving households242254251252256256256247269272271257253
Non-profit institutions serving households242254251252256256256247269272271257253
Households53 40952 89653 40152 50951 87951 01250 96150 01449 63749 21348 54747 83947 545
Unincorporated enterprises within households6 5636 5526 5146 4766 5136 4836 9086 0856 0866 0926 0766 0306 010
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc.70726872808090893738332929
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc.46 77646 27246 81945 96245 28544 44943 96343 84043 51443 08342 43841 77941 506
Unspecified sector..........................
Rest of the world13 69513 71813 30913 19113 30713 20413 63612 94112 57511 71311 75012 05011 784
General government, abroad0000000000000
Banks and financial institutions, abroad3 4223 4212 8412 8402 8402 8422 8402 8852 9552 9262 9182 9862 986
Non-financial corporations and households, abroad10 27310 29610 46810 35110 46710 36210 79610 0569 6208 7878 8329 0648 799
Changes in exchange rates, prices and value-404-601-401-395-582-342-330-549-318-298-457-290-287