
Pension funds. Profitt and loss account. NOK million
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance13 19012 24813 31815 48114 923
Gross premiums written12 65011 97312 35215 28113 733
Reinsurers share of gross premiums writtens-28-18-24-22-24
Transfer of premiumreserve from other companies5682949892211 213
Claims incurred, net of reinsurance8 9567 0218 3918 2397 549
Gross pensions and claims payments4 8185 0615 4955 8116 291
Reinsurance share of gross claims payments3-9-2-4-8
Other appropriations3850805599
Transfers of premiumreserve etc. to other companies4 0971 9192 8172 3781 167
Net change in technical provisions21 98919 3463 95320 26528 937
Premium reserve7 4218 3739 10112 12014 307
Other technical provisions5 0231 8511 621814723
To/from revaluation reserve6 3786 645-8 4725 15812 163
Means allocated insurance contracts3 1672 4771 7032 1731 743
Other operating income (+)/costs (-)40-148-156-189-309
Operating income from real property464500552512485
Other operating income17411135
Personell costs280302360371418
Commision submitted6986108119136
Operating costs from real property3725482732
Other operating costs212236192198212
Investment income (+)/ charges (-)6 4776 4637 1207 1507 166
Bonds and certificates4 0653 9414 2934 4794 454
Interest income other assets487574551593624
Share dividend etc.1 9491 9802 3102 1232 110
Interest charges2433344522
Gains/losses, Value (re-)adjustments on financial assetes14 41210 165-7 3279 11916 941
Realized gains/losses2 1332 8132 2952 3312 588
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates-1 4062 7241 2861 1073 708
Bonds and certificates1 569515257487641
Financial derivatives199-387723730-1 769
Land and buildings-4-1332065
Other realized gains/losses1 776-38-3-13-57
Net change in value12 2797 352-9 6216 78814 353
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates11 8186 595-9 2645 40414 295
Bonds and certificates-86414668760577
Financial derivatives399-4090168-205
Land and buildings31191077148
Other value re-adjustments (+)/adjustments (-)895632-622386-362
Profitt/loss on ordinary activities3 1742 3616113 0582 234
Other results components-286106
Profitt/loss3 1642 3265492 9542 180
Balance on the technical account for pension funds1 4777947091 609-117
Value-adjusted profitt/loss16 36212 771-5 20310 28016 173