
Tax accounts. Distributed taxes. NOK million and change in per cent.
Distributed taxes. Accumulated figures so far this yearChange in per cent compared to same period previous year
August 2013August 2014August 2013August 2014
Total589 728572 3883.9-2.9
Ordinary taxes to central government20 54219 5073.0-5.0
Ordinary taxes on extraction of petroleum56 32546 502-0.6-17.4
Special income tax on extraction of petroleum93 83375 6340.4-19.4
Tax equalization tax to central government147 385148 1913.00.5
Ordinary taxes to county authority (incl. Oslo)17 09217 6546.63.3
Ordinary taxes to municipalities80 59782 2167.02.0
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme69 64774 4085.16.8
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme101 657105 0277.83.3
Taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders2 6513 248-0.122.5