
Offences reported to the police, by type of victim, category of offence and group of offence. Absolute figures
TotalPersonOther juridical unit/enterpriseWithout victim or unknown
Total388 506185 75556 261146 490
Category of offence
Crimes269 409167 75435 07066 585
Misdemeanours119 09718 00121 19179 905
Group of offence
Economic offences7 9311 1964 2942 441
Other offences for profit170 911128 42235 4577 032
Offences of violence26 94223 4356262 881
Sexual offences4 8233 81219992
Offences of narcotics49 4041561 25247 996
Damage to property18 2789 2937 8291 156
Environment offences2 1721777701 225
Work environment offences75655554147
Traffic offences58 9865 9462 61350 427
Other offences48 30312 7633 34732 193