
Victims (persons), by category of principal offence, group of principal offence and place of recidence (size of municipality). Absolute figures and per 1 000 population
TotalCrimesMisdemeanoursEconomic offencesOther offences for profitOffences of violenceSexual offencesDamage to propertyTraffic offencesOther offences (incl. Narcotic, Environment and Work environment)
Absolute figures
Total171 516156 05815 4581 027119 75322 0063 6868 0896 17710 778
The whole country168 970153 78515 1851 015118 02921 6103 6388 0076 02010 651
All municipalities168 963153 78015 1831 015118 02721 6073 6388 0076 01910 650
0-1 999 inhabitants2 1861 894292241 2043849912692257
2 000-4 999 inhabitants9 3868 1271 259775 3731 555327629517908
5 000-9 999 inhabitants13 80412 1411 6631188 2602 1874468696441 280
10 000-19 999 inhabitants24 31921 8052 51418115 7613 5766541 4239831 741
20 000-29 999 inhabitants19 45817 6091 84916113 2582 5504549398211 275
30 000-49 999 inhabitants17 28815 6521 6369111 6042 4584029356611 137
50 000 inhabitants or more82 52276 5525 97036362 5678 8971 2563 0862 3014 052
Norway, unknown size of municipality7520230011
Abroad, without known size of municipality2 5072 239268121 7153794679153123
Unknown size of municipality3934509172344
Per 1 000 population
The whole country33.530.
All municipalities33.430.
0-1 999 inhabitants18.716.
2 000-4 999 inhabitants21.618.
5 000-9 999 inhabitants23.
10 000-19 999 inhabitants28.825.
20 000-29 999 inhabitants30.
30 000-49 999 inhabitants33.930.
50 000 inhabitants or more43.440.
Norway, unknown size of municipality....................
Abroad, without known size of municipality....................
Unknown size of municipality....................