
C2 by debtor sector. Transactions1
12-month growth, transactions. NOK million12-month growth, transactions. Per cent
General governmentNon-financial corporationsHouseholds etc.General governmentNon-financial corporationsHouseholds etc.
1All growth rate calculations based on holdings that include foreign currency loans are adjusted for exchange rate fluctuations in order to eliminate all changes not related to transactions. The growth rate calculations are also adjusted for statistical breaks that are not attributable to transactions or valuation changes.
August 201326 81652 973168 0247.93.97.2
September 201328 62856 892168 9538.54.27.2
October 201329 67853 654169 0858.83.97.2
November 201327 01653 375165 6257.93.97.0
December 201329 10951 898166 3768.53.87.0
January 201429 99942 825163 0198.63.16.8
February 201429 04150 630160 7698.23.76.7
March 201428 28144 857165 4348.03.26.9
April 201427 17544 784164 1617.63.26.8
May 201426 66940 419164 3937.42.96.7
June 201428 05839 088159 9827.82.76.5
July 201428 47036 443164 4537.92.66.7
August 201430 80234 252161 4338.52.46.5