
Road goods transport, by foreign lorries. Transport performances
Transport between Norway and abroad, totalTo Norway from the lorry's registration countryFrom Norway to the lorry's registration countryCross trade transport between Norway and abroadCabotage transport in Norway
Tonnage carried (1 000 tonnes)
20047 865.94 565.22 344.1643.2313.5
20056 797.53 875.31 988.2697.6236.4
20069 582.15 380.92 655.91 040.5504.7
20078 784.24 511.92 466.11 245.8560.5
20088 950.04 384.02 462.81 559.6543.5
20098 127.03 696.42 219.61 825.8385.3
20109 270.04 258.02 417.82 141.1453.3
20118 948.43 917.12 346.62 053.5631.2
20129 209.44 161.52 126.02 271.0651.0
201310 598.43 567.22 120.03 784.01 127.2
Transport performance (mill. tonneskm)
20045 348.12 845.61 577.4732.1193.0
20055 088.72 598.71 506.0911.372.7
20066 534.53 338.71 935.21 114.4146.2
20076 417.52 999.51 907.01 364.4146.7
20086 528.42 869.71 686.51 773.5198.7
20096 108.62 583.91 640.31 748.4136.0
20106 514.32 762.61 665.81 927.7158.3
20116 706.72 673.21 781.22 050.3202.0
20126 984.92 882.81 650.92 181.3269.9
20138 958.52 812.51 601.93 998.1546.0