
Tax statistics for residents 17 years and older
2013Percentage change in amount
Number of persons that have amount on different codesAverage for all persons that have amount on different codes (NOK)2012 - 20132008 - 2013
Gross income4 007 559411 4004.018.2
Basis for Surtax on Gross income3 875 046397 9003.820.9
Ordinary income, after deductions3 902 772309 3003.724.0
Taxable gross wealth3 984 628950 7006.643.5
Debt2 944 122918 4004.625.9
Surtax on gross income982 24624 3004.319.1
Wealth taxes614 64822 40012.669.7
Assessed taxes3 602 597116 1004.123.4