
Finance companies. Balance sheet. NOK million
October 2014September 2014August 2014July 2014June 2014May 2014April 2014March 2014February 2014January 2014December 2013November 2013October 2013
Notes and divisionary coin088....81....59....72....
Loans to and claims on financial institutions07 724....8 165....6 007....6 042....
Loans to and claims on customers0131 761....128 500....124 626....121 229....
Certificates and bonds0........................
Shares, equity capital certificate e.g.068....645....640....720....
Financial derivatives0170....346....305....388....
Intangible assets01 056....1 537....1 096....1 054....
Durable operating equipment0269....212....142....112....
Other assets05 277....4 260....4 269....3 281....
Total assets0146 413....143 746....137 143....132 896....
Deposits from financial institutions0........................
Deposits from customers0........................
Certificate and bond debt01 420....420....420....250....
Other loans0113 148....111 416....106 173....104 779....
Financial derivatives017....18....62....17....
Other liabilities011 812....12 610....12 523....10 272....
Subordinated loan capital01 926....1 926....1 926....1 936....
Total liabilities0128 323....126 390....121 104....117 253....
Share and owner share capital04 275....4 169....4 002....3 821....
Other paid in equity (share premium account etc.)03 146....2 923....2 628....2 357....
Earned equity capital07 887....8 644....8 786....6 864....
Undistributed profit02 781....1 620....623....2 601....
Total equity018 090....17 356....16 039....15 643....
Total liabilities and equity0146 413....143 746....137 143....132 896....