
Full-time employees in information and communication, by division. Monthly earnings and basic monthly salary. Average as of October. NOK and percentage change
Monthly earningsBasic monthly salary
201320142013 - 2014201320142013 - 2014
Information and communication, total52 90054 2002.549 50050 9002.8
Publishing activities51 00051 8001.648 00049 1002.3
Motion picture, TV, music prod.43 00044 7004.042 40043 6002.8
Programming, broadcasting activities45 30048 1006.243 40045 8005.5
Telecommunications55 00056 4002.551 60052 9002.5
Computer programming, consultancy55 60056 8002.251 70053 0002.5
Information service activities50 20051 6002.846 20047 1001.9