
Persons sanctioned, by category of principal offence, group of principal offence and citizenship (continent and selected countries). Absolute figures1
TotalCrimesMisdemeanoursAll group of offencesEconomic offencesOther offences for profitOffences of violenceSexual offencesOffences of narcoticsDamage to propertyEnvironment offencesWork environment offencesTraffic offencesOther offences
1Citizenship is specified for the 10 countries with the highest total number of persons sanctioned.
Total274 26129 594244 667274 2611 79226 8514 55489613 84658852611214 69610 501
All continents260 66529 505231 160260 6651 79021 4874 54289413 81258852611206 54110 474
Europe253 67827 020226 658253 6781 73720 2744 19383512 64156152311203 3349 569
Norway226 52022 608203 912226 5201 42414 6103 74476911 08449947610185 8428 062
Denmark1 8762101 6661 876211642941273901 45168
Sweden3 5865663 0203 5864231374432416402 589220
Poland6 8938376 0566 8931101 7259216270151104 274380
Romania2 1099201 1892 109131 18328864220621188
Lithuania3 7005253 1753 700449994891161212 315165
United Kingdom1 0331698641 03358321211721074953
Germany1 218911 1271 21891431734131096437
Africa2 6011 3581 2432 60110441149228121210714440
Asia3 3409512 3893 340356521703227913201 741416
Unknown13 407513 40213 40705 3170110008 0862