
Employed persons aged 15-74, by major industry division (LFS). 1 0001
Annual average3rd quarter 20134th quarter 20131st quarter 20142nd quarter 20143rd quarter 20144th quarter 2014
Total2 6102 6372 6262 6192 6062 6482 6462 650
01-03 Agriculture, forestry and fishing5759605557625956
05-09 Mining and quarrying7277717775787876
10-33 Manufacturing228228231224226225230231
35-39 Power and water supply, sew./remed.act.2728282729302827
41-43 Construction197201197205194204203201
45-47 Domestic trade, car repair shops355348357349349347344351
49-53 Transportation and storage139138141134140135140138
55-56 Accomm. and food service act.6975756868747682
58-63 Information and communication10510310410310510410499
64-66 Financial and insurance act.5457565457585856
68-75 Real estate, profess., scient. and tech.act.172180170174175185179180
77-82 Adm. and support service act.104110105109107106110117
84 Public administration and defence167173170172168174175175
85 Education220226216224227224225229
86-88 Human health and social work act.534520532533518529520516
90-99 Other service act.103107103103103108106112