
Gross fixed capital formation by type of capital goods and by industry. At current prices. NOK Million1
201320144th quarter 20131st quarter 20142nd quarter 20143rd quarter 20144th quarter 2014
1Figures for the last two years are preliminary.
Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF)725 654753 066194 916178 035189 774189 041196 215
Building and construction313 289325 69982 89379 08781 65581 61483 342
Oil exploraion, drilling, pipelines for oil and gas104 169105 43826 13025 64827 61926 41325 758
Oil platforms etc103 198108 16829 84025 33126 94327 29928 595
Ships and boats19 74118 2754 7063 0164 6905 4875 082
Other transport equipment23 33224 0135 5054 8846 0907 3935 646
Machinery and equipment94 913100 41127 97222 62325 37623 73028 683
Cultivated biological resources141433353
Intellectual property products, except oil exploration66 63670 67617 77317 35017 30617 01019 009
Acquisitions less disposals of valuables3633719494919096
Total industry725 654753 066194 916178 035189 774189 041196 215
Agriculture and forestry8 1888 0522 1501 8342 1191 9822 117
Fishing and aquaculture3 2442 229859378647708496
Mining and quarrying1 9281 439482395294294456
Oil and gas extraction including services211 819217 95157 33551 96255 42854 75955 802
¬ Oil and gas extraction208 437215 16156 01151 37754 63054 04355 110
¬ Service activities incidental to oil and gas3 3822 7911 324584798716692
Manufacturing33 40336 90410 0397 9308 8118 72911 434
¬ Food products, beverages and tobacco6 8248 1102 2321 5822 1191 9142 496
¬ Textiles, wearing apparel, leather32730111098627368
¬Manufacture of wood and wood products, except furniture965862253193180195294
¬ Manufacture of paper and paper products546634176129114113279
¬ Printing and reproduction of recorded media56255519612518990152
¬ Refined petroleum, chemical and pharmaceutical products4 7325 9411 3331 0151 2831 5222 121
¬¬ Manufacture of basic chemicals etc2 8582 964812592754647971
¬ Rubber, plastic and mineral products1 8751 777527397386363631
¬ Basic metals2 0582 205661450493447814
¬ Machinery and other equipment n.e.c8 6729 2692 5802 2062 1832 1792 701
¬ Building of ships, oil platforms and moduls3 1402 807908744749646669
¬ Furniture and other manufacturing n.e.c677735193137147135316
¬ Repair and installation of machinery and equiment3 0253 7088698549071 053894
Electricity, gas and steam19 51320 6256 1964 1115 5265 0185 969
Water supply, sewerage, waste10 06711 5022 9312 9733 0012 1953 332
Construction18 40819 1794 8754 7414 8654 6004 974
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles13 11811 4913 7702 6582 6862 6203 527
Transport via pipelines3 2824 7127931 0021 4901 304916
Ocean transport8 8198 4722 0601 3282 0902 5702 485
Transport activities excl. ocean transport22 33924 5995 1104 5456 2748 2105 571
Postal and courier activities2755427465148148182
Accommodation and food service activities2 1121 893541436480498479
Information and communcation20 33121 9185 5845 5075 3085 1405 963
Financial and insurance activities6 4196 8541 7181 6591 6911 6531 851
Real estate activities35 05435 3118 8418 5448 6918 9629 114
Imputed rents of owner-occupied dwellings150 240149 68838 81938 42437 20736 82237 235
Professional, scientific and and technical activities13 37813 8783 7372 9993 4043 2734 203
Administrative and support service activities9 8319 1092 4642 1022 1812 3872 439
Public administration and defence74 16582 21020 17518 87921 90820 95020 472
Education29 32730 9798 1237 2686 5418 8168 354
Health and social work23 21026 2066 5426 4837 0805 6397 004
Arts, entertainment and other service activities7 1837 3231 6971 8121 9051 7641 841
Mainland Norway505 116524 721136 052124 328131 565131 124137 704
¬ General government130 344144 24935 97733 98636 97335 90837 382
¬¬ Central government74 41783 50820 07219 50122 62821 28520 094
¬¬¬ Civilian central government64 50173 20817 66016 54719 22718 37619 059
¬¬¬ Defence9 91610 3002 4122 9543 4012 9091 035
¬¬ Local government55 92760 74115 90514 48514 34514 62317 288