
Domestic bond and commercial papers debts by issuing sector and remaining maturity at the end of the quarter. Nominal value. NOK million.
<= 1 year> 1 year <= 2 years> 2 years <= 5 years> 5 years <= 10 years> 10 years <= 20 years> 20 yearsTotal
Total amount of debt431 082220 968807 048355 20340 73623 1411 878 281
Non-financial corporations44 01836 861129 42048 09416 1901 334275 917
Banks52 16658 952141 54238 49823214 196305 586
Other financial corporations93 98172 902223 99974 84522 1096 610494 446
Central government and social security funds143 9190126 737157 000..427 656
Local government53 56417 10027 35016 21624018114 488
Non-profit institutions serving households00....0
Rest of the world43 43335 152158 00020 5491 965982260 081