Full-time employees in private education, by occupation. Monthly earnings and basic monthly salary. Average as of October. NOK and percentage change | Monthly earnings | Basic monthly salary |
2013 | 2014 | 2013 - 2014 | 2013 | 2014 | 2013 - 2014 |
Private education, total | 40 500 | 41 500 | 2.5 | 40 100 | 41 000 | 2.2 |
Of which | | | | | | |
Senior officials and managers | 54 600 | 56 200 | 2.9 | 53 800 | 55 100 | 2.4 |
Professionals | 43 500 | 44 500 | 2.3 | 42 900 | 43 800 | 2.1 |
Technicians and associate professionals | 38 100 | 38 500 | 1.0 | 37 800 | 38 200 | 1.1 |
Clerks | 35 200 | 35 700 | 1.4 | 34 900 | 35 600 | 2.0 |
Service workers and shop and market sales workers | .. | 32 600 | .. | .. | 32 500 | .. |