
Base money (M0)
Base money (M0), actual stock figures (NOK million)Transactions, 12-month growth (per cent)
M0Notes and coin in circulationBanks' current account with Norges BankBanks' F-deposits with Norges BankMoney holding sectors depostis with Norges BankM0Notes and coin in circulation
January 2014133 91749 79936 02648 0009267.01.2
February 2014114 39849 11735 19230 0008941.21.4
March 201496 03248 50836 87010 560946.4-2.0
April 201488 43649 19839 15408414.31.0
May 201489 95649 08740 7720978.30.0
June 2014120 15149 62539 87430 5559739.1-0.2
July 2014120 42549 69239 75730 8809615.1-0.3
August 2014140 39449 03937 50453 7559615.1-1.5
September 2014122 28848 67839 61133 9009933.0-1.6
October 2014138 81048 37232 33758 00010124.1-2.4
November 201498 00849 02736 87512 0001065.1-1.7
December 2014130 77153 01634 27043 3761091.6-1.9
January 2015137 40149 65533 63454 0001122.6-0.3