
Tax return account for companies, by sector. NOK million.
Sum all sectorsNon-financial corporationsFinancial corporationsUnspecified sector/others
Assessable incomes (NOK millioin)567 775443 647120 9243 205
Entrepreneurial income (NOK million)387 455302 29982 3422 814
Received intra-group contribution (NOK million)179 570140 94738 53687
Deductions in income (NOK million)462 963367 14693 7332 084
Entrepreneurial deficit and real estate deficit (NOK million)235 792181 25153 831710
Deduction for previous years deficit (NOK million)49 84842 5936 0791 175
Paid intra-group contribution (NOK million)176 737142 83433 767136
Ordinary income (NOK million)104 81076 50127 1911 118
Positive (taxable) income (NOK million)242 199187 73752 6071 855
Negative income (NOK million)137 389111 23625 416737
Number of enterprises247 324229 53316 5031 288