
Acquisition and sale of fixed assets, by type of capital. NOK million1
1Gross fixed capital formation = acquisition - sale of fixed assets.
Fixed assets, total20 4081 292
Water power plants8600
Waterfall rights1070
Waterway regulations7530
Hydro-electric power stations5 417340
Building construction, hydro-electric power stations2 508295
Permanent mechanical and electrical equipment, hydro-electric power stations2 90946
Thermal power plants232
Building construction, thermal power plants00
Permanent mechanical and electrical equipment, thermal power plants232
Windpower plants4577
Building construction, windpower plants237
Permanent mechanical and electrical equipment, windpower plants4340
Transmission systems9 874434
Central grid systems4 572125
Regional grid systems1 637143
Local grid systems3 665167
District heating661
Production plants221
Distribution systems430
Other, district heating00
Other fixed assets, total3 711508
Control centers1083
Street and road lighting124
Motor vehicles and other transport equipment27064
Construction machinery293
Office equipment27929
Offices and premises873125
Dwellings for employees11
Other property53345
Construction roads60
Fixed assets, other82476