
Figures for local kind of activity units. Main economic figures by industry division1
Production valueCost of goods and services consumedValue added at factor pricesGross investments
NOK Million
1The levels of aggregation refers to the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007). See NOS D383 for further details.
05, 07, 08, 09.9, 10-33 Mining, quarrying and manufacturing
2012769 182570 459192 87621 351
2013796 265589 591200 59219 797
05, 07, 08, 09.9 Mining and quarrying
201214 6059 4825 1291 361
201315 38110 0875 3051 332
10-33 Manufacturing
2012754 578560 977187 74719 991
2013780 884579 504195 28718 466
10-12 Food, beverages and tobacco
2012170 219128 84935 1716 367
2013177 039133 19537 3595 366
13-15 Textiles, wearing apparel, leather
20126 5974 1562 450175
20136 2943 8442 458131
16 Wood and wood products
201225 25917 7227 573731
201324 08716 9527 170789
17 Paper and paper products
201211 3018 6812 624547
20139 9567 7212 258446
18 Printing and reproduction
201210 4016 1524 266244
20139 7405 6464 113337
19-21 Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac.
2012146 344129 19917 1993 641
2013145 403126 34019 1432 559
22-23 Rubber, plastic, mineral prod.
201238 01126 00912 0261 352
201339 38127 11912 2881 218
24 Basic metals
201258 86849 4549 4351 794
201353 24145 3527 9151 699
25 Fabricated metal prod.
201246 66128 60118 086999
201346 17928 15318 049893
26-27 Computer and electrical equipment
201240 91826 20314 759672
201343 05127 07916 021553
28 Machinery and equipment
201274 81450 86423 985982
201386 89063 13423 7921 448
29-30 except 30.1 Transport equipment n.e.c.
20128 5735 9312 648224
20139 3136 2633 056339
30.1 Building of ships and boats
201265 38747 91517 484958
201372 56553 19319 3811 056
31-32 Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c
201213 3477 9845 391230
201313 2857 8515 454254
33 Repair, installation of machinery and equipment
201237 87723 25414 6491 075
201344 46027 66316 8301 377