
Enterprise figures. Main economic figures by industry division1
Production valueCost of goods and services consumedValue added at factor pricesGross investments
NOK Million
1The levels of aggregation refers to the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007). See NOS D383 for further details.
05, 07, 08, 09.9, 10-33 Mining, quarrying and manufacturing
2012665 913467 461192 61520 801
2013694 786490 320198 39119 824
05, 07, 08, 09.9 Mining and quarrying
201213 6588 6934 9721 574
201314 0268 9325 1051 283
10-33 Manufacturing
2012652 255458 768187 64319 227
2013680 759481 387193 28618 542
10-12 Food, beverages and tobacco
2012157 349116 46134 6936 377
2013164 860122 23636 1475 421
13-15 Textiles, wearing apparel, leather
20126 6844 1652 528179
20136 3613 8492 521134
16 Wood and wood products
201224 48216 8897 629736
201323 27116 0147 291793
17 Paper and paper products
20129 4987 4342 068318
20138 2886 6171 694215
18 Printing and reproduction
201210 5256 1654 377241
20139 7595 6194 159333
19-21 Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac.
201257 38142 84014 5973 161
201359 23242 28617 0332 692
22-23 Rubber, plastic, mineral prod.
201237 95525 78912 1971 074
201339 50426 79412 7361 291
24 Basic metals
201262 41550 44011 9951 930
201355 24045 8849 3741 735
25 Fabricated metal prod.
201242 65225 45117 227969
201342 88025 38517 518885
26-27 Computer and electrical equipment
201235 78622 45313 377546
201337 46323 47814 034517
28 Machinery and equipment
201275 50651 18124 358857
201388 01863 86624 1871 218
29-30 except 30.1 Transport equipment n.e.c.
20128 4785 8412 643225
20139 1646 1643 006339
30.1 Building of ships and boats
201275 58854 60021 0001 400
201384 67961 44923 2391 619
31-32 Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c.
201213 1087 7375 399229
201313 0147 5695 465254
33 Repair, installation of machinery and equipment
201234 84821 32013 554985
201339 02524 17514 8831 097