
Municipal- and County Council Election. Foreign citizens 1999-2011 and Norwegian citizens with immigrant background 2007-2011, entitled to wote
Foreign citizens entitled to voteNorwegian citizens with immigrant background, entitled to vote1
2011 - 20152011 - 2015
1Persons with two foreighn born parents
2Eastern Europe includes: Albania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Belarus, Croatia, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo
Total117 268137 221207 241309 593102 352184 904233 50948 605
Nordic countries44 21747 59562 87672 3049 4288 6528 548-104
Western Europe, except the Nordic countries21 52524 92036 56949 77513 2067 1867 538352
Eastern Europe212 93215 41650 209114 64764 43835 41042 2396 829
North America and Oceania7 2907 3868 5729 4408681 793637-1 156
Africa, Asia, Turkey and South and Central America31 30441 90449 01563 42714 412131 863173 54741 684
Selected contries
Denmark16 40716 81017 98320 8742 8914 0903 800-290
Finland4 8744 5975 0615 462401......
Iceland......6 7921 718......
Sweden20 05923 44734 75839 1764 4182 989....
France....2 398..........
Latvia......5 760........
Netherlands....4 3885 5991 211......
Poland1 1612 24925 46656 20430 7384 6435 311668
Romania......5 026........
Lithuania....4 87121 39916 528......
United Kingdom8 4478 82510 23812 3732 135......
Russia....5 9097 0291 1204 1575 6311 474
Turkey1 7151 9462 302....8 65510 1491 494
Germany4 9996 84513 13917 3404 2012 9203 111191
Bosnia-Herzegovina4 7712 8442 787....9 34810 307959
Kosovo..........6 9288 3121 384
Eritrea......5 762........
Morocco..........4 7735 640867
Somalia2 8044 7123 8605 9852 1259 44713 7074 260
Afghanistan....2 6313 320689..7 083..
Sri Lanka..........7 4118 8491 438
Philippines....2 7575 0062 2496 2118 1591 948
India..........4 6745 617943
Iraq6 0335 4924 7123 860-85210 87915 3454 466
Iran1 8712 332......10 75212 2151 463
China..........3 0543 854800
Pakistan3 8173 6433 3263 210-11618 38221 8463 464
Thailand....5 1607 7832 6233 4934 8681 375
Vietnam..........13 59215 4811 889
United States5 9715 8986 5016 958457......
Chile1 4761 545......4 5354 681146