
Immigrants 16 years and over, by level of education, sex and region1
TotalNo educationBelow upper secondary levelUpper secondary education2Higher education, short3Higher education, long4
1For many immigrants SSB has no information about their level of education. 2014 figures includes an estimated level of education for missing values for these immigrants. For more information see About the statistics.
2Including the level 'Intermediate level' which comprises education based on completed upper secondary level, but which are not accredited as tertiary education.
3Higher education, short comprises higher education up to 4 years in duration.
4Higher education, long comprises higher education more than 4 years in duration.
Total606 92412 200172 521192 223136 96793 013
The Nordic Countries68 22734111 45625 25821 01610 156
Western Europe except the Nordic Countries and Turkey63 22524910 82615 93718 27717 936
EU members in Eastern Europe149 96459624 85669 83731 17023 505
Eastern Europe outside of EU53 51539914 26817 83111 6369 381
North America9 318228731 8733 4593 091
Oceania1 9606161456808529
Africa68 7054 31635 17914 6819 7704 759
Asia including Turkey172 4406 04269 85140 56436 24519 738
South and Central America19 5702295 0515 7864 5863 918
Males319 7634 24290 673113 58363 56247 703
The Nordic Countries34 3512336 02513 7268 8695 498
Western Europe except the Nordic Countries and Turkey36 7151686 6379 6479 80710 456
EU members in Eastern Europe94 73739516 39251 21115 61311 126
Eastern Europe outside of EU23 2291166 6048 8474 5033 159
North America4 391114318001 5511 598
Oceania1 254396305494356
Africa37 8401 38019 0808 1975 8753 308
Asia including Turkey79 0441 85833 33418 38815 00710 457
South and Central America8 202782 0742 4621 8431 745
Females287 1617 95881 84878 64073 40545 310
The Nordic Countries33 8761085 43111 53212 1474 658
Western Europe except the Nordic Countries and Turkey26 510814 1896 2908 4707 480
EU members in Eastern Europe55 2272018 46418 62615 55712 379
Eastern Europe outside of EU30 2862837 6648 9847 1336 222
North America4 927114421 0731 9081 493
Africa30 8652 93616 0996 4843 8951 451
Asia including Turkey93 3964 18436 51722 17621 2389 281
South and Central America11 3681512 9773 3242 7432 173